Sports | #nfl #football The perspective on Fantasy Football Is Fantasy Football harmless fun or are there downsides?
Living | #mental health Sigmund Freud: A timeless genius or overrated? Are Sigmund Freud's contributions to the field of psychoanalysis as significant as we've been taught to think?
Politics | #Whistleblowers Edward Snowden – Hero or Traitor? Should Edward Snowden be celebrated or denounced?
Living | #history #the education debate Should Holocaust Education in Schools Be Mandatory? Are young students mature enough to benefit from the life lessons of the Holocaust?
Biz/Tech | Living | #marketing #branding Is there a difference between Pepsi and Coca-Cola? Are their histories, flavors, branding ventures and impact more alike or different than we think?
Politics | #Donald Trump #politics The Perspective on Donald Trump Former President Trump’s accomplishments are as controversial as his failures, but no president is perfect.
Biz/Tech | Living | #marketing #branding Is there a difference between Pepsi and Coca-Cola? Are their histories, flavors, branding ventures and impact more alike or different than we think?
Biz/Tech | #bitcoin #currency Should we invest in Bitcoin or stay away from it? It seems to have enormous potential as a currency, but will it be able to sustain itself?
Biz/Tech | #tech giant Is Amazon Good or Bad for the Shopping Industry? It has made shopping more efficient and innovative, but at what cost to the retail industry?
Biz/Tech | #The economy debate #tech giants Is E-Commerce Pushing Us Forward or Holding Us Back? A double-edged sword, it destroys as it creates, it constructs monopolies as it invites competition.
Biz/Tech | #tech giants Are Smart Homes a Smart Idea? Do the benefits of living in a digitally connected and automated home outweigh the drawbacks and risks?
Biz/Tech | #finance Are Small-Change Investment Apps Worth Using? They make investing in the stock market easier and more accessible, but do they provide long-term advantages?
Entertainment | #the education debate #books How great is ‘great literature’ if it needs to be studied to be understood? Does studying The Greats enhance or diminish their impact?
Entertainment | #Theater #movies Back to the Future: Musical or Movie. Which is better? The movie is a classic, with rich storytelling and action, while the musical is full of life and music. Which is better?
Entertainment | #tv Throwback TV: Friends or Seinfeld? Which is the better show ? Here's a Laughable Debate.
Entertainment | #film Battle of the Bonds: Daniel Craig or Sean Connery? When it comes down to it, which James Bond would you trust to save the day?
Entertainment | Living | #Disney #parenting Disney Animated Films – Are they good for children? Do they encourage acceptance or promote insensitive stereotypes?
Entertainment | #television Is Binge-Watching a harmless or helpful activity? It may provide a better viewing experience, but there are potential health risks involved.
Living | #mental health Sigmund Freud: A timeless genius or overrated? Are Sigmund Freud's contributions to the field of psychoanalysis as significant as we've been taught to think?
Living | #history #the education debate Should Holocaust Education in Schools Be Mandatory? Are young students mature enough to benefit from the life lessons of the Holocaust?
Biz/Tech | Living | #marketing #branding Is there a difference between Pepsi and Coca-Cola? Are their histories, flavors, branding ventures and impact more alike or different than we think?
Living | The Big Debates | #the environment debate Climate Change – Act now, or question the urgency of the threat? Everything is politicized, even the climate. So where do we stand with politics vs. nature?
Living | #ethics #terrorism Are Humans Inherently Violent? Can we end violence, or will it forever be part of the human experience?
Living | #health #drugs The Perspective on Ayahuasca: Is it worth trying? While it may provide a transformative experience, it can also have adverse side effects.
Politics | #Whistleblowers Edward Snowden – Hero or Traitor? Should Edward Snowden be celebrated or denounced?
Politics | #Donald Trump #politics The Perspective on Donald Trump Former President Trump’s accomplishments are as controversial as his failures, but no president is perfect.
Politics | The Big Debates | #terrorism Should We Negotiate with Terrorists? A choice between two bad options is still an important choice
Politics | #foreign policy #Drones The Perspective on Drone Strikes A necessary evil or just plain evil?
Living | Politics | #political discourse The Perspective on Political Correctness Is PC culture making us more sensitive to others or afraid to speak to anyone who might think differently than we do?
Politics | #the America debate Should the US intervene militarily in foreign conflicts? US intervention overseas is never ideal and usually complicated, but the alternatives may be worse.
Sports | #nfl #football The perspective on Fantasy Football Is Fantasy Football harmless fun or are there downsides?
Sports | #nfl #NBA Do Professional Athletes Deserve Their Inflated Salaries? Are their sacrifices worth the big bucks and potential long-term repercussions to the sports industry?
Sports | #professional sports Is MMA too dangerous? Is MMA any more dangerous than boxing or other contact sports?
Sports | #MLB #baseball Should Major League Baseball Get Rid of Designated Hitters? The American League and now the National League both use designated hitters. For better or for worse?
Sports | #Olympics Is Hosting the Olympics a privilege or inconvenience? Hosting the Olympic Games can be a burden and/or a benefit for the host city and country.
Sports | #racing NASCAR or Formula 1 – Which is the prime racing competition? Formula 1 favors global competition and advanced technology; NASCAR is all about personalities and fan accessibility.
Politics | The Big Debates | #terrorism Should We Negotiate with Terrorists? A choice between two bad options is still an important choice
Living | The Big Debates | #the environment debate Climate Change – Act now, or question the urgency of the threat? Everything is politicized, even the climate. So where do we stand with politics vs. nature?
Living | The Big Debates | #parenting #nutrition Breast vs. Bottle: which is better for babies? Should parents swear by the breast, or be fully content with bottle feedings?
Living | The Big Debates | #the environment debate Should we depend on fossil fuels or renewable energy? Oil, natural gas, coal, solar power and wind energy. Which paves the way to our future?
Living | The Big Debates | #the gun control debate Is gun control justified or an infringement of our rights? Is it a social question, a cultural one, or a political debate?
Living | The Big Debates | #the education debate Does Homework Help or Hinder Learning? Is it necessary for reinforcing and building academic skills, or does it put needless strain on parents and students?