Living | The Big Debates | #the gun control debate Is gun control justified or an infringement of our rights? Is it a social question, a cultural one, or a political debate?
Living | The Big Debates | #the education debate Does Homework Help or Hinder Learning? Is it necessary for reinforcing and building academic skills, or does it put needless strain on parents and students?
Biz/Tech | #The economy debate Do Unions bring positive change or create more harm than good? Do they combat or contribute to worker exploitation they are meant to fight against?
Living | #the education debate The Perspective on School Uniforms Do they improve learning or limit self-expression and burden parents' wallets?
Living | #pets Cats or Dogs: Who Makes a Better Companion? Are you a cat person or a dog person? Not sure? Here are some points to help you decide.
Living | #the education debate #high school Should We Distribute Condoms in High Schools? Is it the responsibility of a school or of the parents to educate their teens about safe sex?
Living | #smoking #marijuana Should We Legalize Marijuana? Is legalized marijuana a pitfall to be avoided, or the inevitable recognition of a popular American pastimes?
Living | The Big Debates | #the education debate Does Conventional or Alternative Schooling Have More Impact? The world is made up of so many different types of people, yet most get educated the same way.
Politics | The Big Debates | #the nuclear debate #WW2 The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: plain evil or a necessary evil? In August 1945, two Japanese cities became synonymous with nuclear destruction and the human aptitude for it.
Living | #the education debate Montessori: An Effective Learning Approach or a Matter of Faith? Is this teaching method a proven one or overhyped?
Living | #africa #volunteering Service Trips Abroad: Harmful or Helpful? Are they more about the communities in need or the volunteers themselves?