Living | The Big Debates | #the education debate Does Homework Help or Hinder Learning? Is it necessary for reinforcing and building academic skills, or does it put needless strain on parents and students?
Biz/Tech | #The economy debate Do Unions bring positive change or create more harm than good? Do they combat or contribute to worker exploitation they are meant to fight against?
Living | #pets Cats or Dogs: Who Makes a Better Companion? Are you a cat person or a dog person? Not sure? Here are some points to help you decide.
Living | The Big Debates | #the education debate Does Conventional or Alternative Schooling Have More Impact? The world is made up of so many different types of people, yet most get educated the same way.
Politics | The Big Debates | #the nuclear debate #WW2 The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: plain evil or a necessary evil? In August 1945, two Japanese cities became synonymous with nuclear destruction and the human aptitude for it.
Living | #the education debate Montessori: An Effective Learning Approach or a Matter of Faith? Is this teaching method a proven one or overhyped?
Living | #africa #volunteering Service Trips Abroad: Harmful or Helpful? Are they more about the communities in need or the volunteers themselves?
Entertainment | Living | #Disney #parenting Disney Animated Films – Are they good for children? Do they encourage acceptance or promote insensitive stereotypes?
Sports | #Olympics Is Hosting the Olympics a privilege or inconvenience? Hosting the Olympic Games can be a burden and/or a benefit for the host city and country.
Living | #parenting Comfortably Numb: The Perspective on epidurals While they provide expectant mothers genuine relief from labor pains, there can be downsides.
Biz/Tech | #traveling Should you fly on traditional or low-cost airlines? All things considered, which is the better option?
Living | #ethics #terrorism Are Humans Inherently Violent? Can we end violence, or will it forever be part of the human experience?
Living | #mental health Are Antidepressants a Good Solution? Are they helpful in treating depression or are they capable of causing more harm than good?
Living | #parenting Should You Travel Overseas with Small Kids? Will they benefit from such an experience or is it a waste of money?
Sports | #racing NASCAR or Formula 1 – Which is the prime racing competition? Formula 1 favors global competition and advanced technology; NASCAR is all about personalities and fan accessibility.
Sports | #soccer #MONDIAL 2018 Can Soccer be the next big American sport? Soccer is the most popular sport everywhere but in the US. Will demographic shifts change that?
Sports | #professional sports Is MMA too dangerous? Is MMA any more dangerous than boxing or other contact sports?
Entertainment | #television Is Binge-Watching a harmless or helpful activity? It may provide a better viewing experience, but there are potential health risks involved.
Living | #the America debate Is America Still Great? Explore top arguments supporting America’s greatness, and top reasons that signal she’s in decline.
Politics | #United Nations The Perspective on the United Nations (UN) The organization is vital international relationships, but it has also experienced many failures over the years.
Politics | #protest #Black Lives Matter Do Protests work ? Protests can do much to direct attention toward issues, but is attention enough to effect change ?
Entertainment | #film Which is better: Star Wars Vs. Star Trek? Which is the real ruler of the sci-fi universe? A battle of epic proportions.
Living | #the education debate The Perspective on Prom – Antiquated or Timeless? While considered a sacred high school tradition, some find it better left unattended.
Living | #The Religion debate Should bible stories be regarded as history? Did they really take place or were they written to serve another function?
Entertainment | #Fame #celebrity How Should We View Michael Jackson’s legacy? How should we view Michael Jackson's legacy?
Politics | #the America debate Should the US intervene militarily in foreign conflicts? US intervention overseas is never ideal and usually complicated, but the alternatives may be worse.
Living | #health Is the Body Positive Movement as Positive as it suggests? Does it represent a societal mental shift or just another calculated fad?
Biz/Tech | Living | #Science #NASA Is There Life Outside Earth? Are we alone in this vast, expansive universe?
Entertainment | #film Battle of the Bonds: Daniel Craig or Sean Connery? When it comes down to it, which James Bond would you trust to save the day?
Living | #Marriage The perspective on divorce Is it the best way to end marital strife or does it just lead to more strain and life dissatisfaction?
Sports | #basketball #NBA Are Basketball Players the Best Athletes? In strength, speed and endurance, how do basketball players fare against other sports' athletes?
Entertainment | #celebrities #Fame Should Celebrities Expect Privacy? Does having a public career mean your life belongs to the public?
Politics | #Russia #Putin The Perspective on Putin As someone both popular and feared, does he deserve respect or suspicion?
Living | Sports | #feminism Should women compete against men in sports? Would it change the nature of professional sports for good or for bad?
Biz/Tech | #bitcoin #currency Should we invest in Bitcoin or stay away from it? It seems to have enormous potential as a currency, but will it be able to sustain itself?
Living | #health Is There Life After Death? Do people live on only in memory and spirit or is there some kind of afterlife?
Politics | #history #presidents The Perspective on George W. Bush How will his legacy be remembered. Here are three arguments for and three against W.
Living | The Big Debates | #Marriage Is Monogamy Natural? Are humans able to live their whole life with a single partner?
Entertainment | Living | #music Does Nicki Minaj Empower or Objectify women? My only motto in my life is don't lose - N. Minaj
Living | #history #the education debate Should Holocaust Education in Schools Be Mandatory? Are young students mature enough to benefit from the life lessons of the Holocaust?
Biz/Tech | #big data The Perspective on Big Data Is it being used for good or should we worry about its future implications on our privacy and consumerism?
Entertainment | Living | #feminism Should We Cheer for Beauty Pageants or Call for Their Demise? Do their opportunities for female empowerment outweigh the negative attributes and controversy surrounding them?
Entertainment | #the education debate #books How great is ‘great literature’ if it needs to be studied to be understood? Does studying The Greats enhance or diminish their impact?
Living | #time #sci-fi The Perspective on Time – Is It Linear or Cyclical? Do we live according to the perception that it is unidirectional or that it is cyclical?
Entertainment | #film (Titanic) Could Jack have been saved? Was there enough room on that raft for both Jack and Rose?
Living | #the nutrition debate The perspective on the paleo diet Does it enhance or take away from adherents' quality of life?
Living | #terrorism Can the Use of Torture Be Justified? While morally questionable, is it worth it if it saves lives?
Biz/Tech | #The economy debate #tech giants Is E-Commerce Pushing Us Forward or Holding Us Back? A double-edged sword, it destroys as it creates, it constructs monopolies as it invites competition.
Living | #parenting #health Is it okay to lightly drink with your teenage kid(s)? What is a parent's role in shaping their teenagers' relationship with alcohol?