Living | #mental health Sigmund Freud: A timeless genius or overrated? Are Sigmund Freud's contributions to the field of psychoanalysis as significant as we've been taught to think?
Biz/Tech | Living | #social media #terrorism Do the benefits of crowd-sleuthing outweigh the risks? Is crime-solving by online communities effective law enforcement?
Biz/Tech | Politics | The Big Debates | #Europe #EU Is the EU better off divided or together? Will the impact of Brexit be positive or negative?
Sports | #nfl #football The perspective on Fantasy Football Is Fantasy Football harmless fun or are there downsides?
Living | #history #the education debate Should Holocaust Education in Schools Be Mandatory? Are young students mature enough to benefit from the life lessons of the Holocaust?
Biz/Tech | Living | #marketing #branding Is there a difference between Pepsi and Coca-Cola? Are their histories, flavors, branding ventures and impact more alike or different than we think?
Politics | #Donald Trump #politics The Perspective on Donald Trump Former President Trump’s accomplishments are as controversial as his failures, but no president is perfect.
Politics | The Big Debates | #terrorism Should We Negotiate with Terrorists? A choice between two bad options is still an important choice
Living | The Big Debates | #the environment debate Climate Change – Act now, or question the urgency of the threat? Everything is politicized, even the climate. So where do we stand with politics vs. nature?
Living | #ethics #terrorism Are Humans Inherently Violent? Can we end violence, or will it forever be part of the human experience?
Living | #health #drugs The Perspective on Ayahuasca: Is it worth trying? While it may provide a transformative experience, it can also have adverse side effects.
Biz/Tech | #bitcoin #currency Should we invest in Bitcoin or stay away from it? It seems to have enormous potential as a currency, but will it be able to sustain itself?
Politics | #foreign policy #Drones The Perspective on Drone Strikes A necessary evil or just plain evil?
Living | The Big Debates | #parenting #nutrition Breast vs. Bottle: which is better for babies? Should parents swear by the breast, or be fully content with bottle feedings?
Biz/Tech | #The economy debate #tech giants Is E-Commerce Pushing Us Forward or Holding Us Back? A double-edged sword, it destroys as it creates, it constructs monopolies as it invites competition.
Living | Politics | #political discourse The Perspective on Political Correctness Is PC culture making us more sensitive to others or afraid to speak to anyone who might think differently than we do?
Living | #health #parenting Are Vaccines Safe or Risky for Your Kids? They protect against preventable diseases, but can they be harmful?
Sports | #professional sports Is MMA too dangerous? Is MMA any more dangerous than boxing or other contact sports?
Politics | #the America debate Should the US intervene militarily in foreign conflicts? US intervention overseas is never ideal and usually complicated, but the alternatives may be worse.
Politics | #the America debate The Perspective on Gerrymandering Does it level the playing field or favor one party over the other?
Living | #animal rights The perspective on Zoos Do zoos help save animals' lives or lower their quality of life?
Living | The Big Debates | #the environment debate Should we depend on fossil fuels or renewable energy? Oil, natural gas, coal, solar power and wind energy. Which paves the way to our future?
Living | #feminism Should Women Serve in Combat Units? Does this add value or potential danger to the military?
Living | #parenting #health Is it okay to lightly drink with your teenage kid(s)? What is a parent's role in shaping their teenagers' relationship with alcohol?
Entertainment | #tv Throwback TV: Friends or Seinfeld? Which is the better show ? Here's a Laughable Debate.
Living | #parenting ADHD Diagnosis: Too Much or Just Right? ADHD diagnoses have soared in the past decade. Have our children changed or just how we define them?
Living | The Big Debates | #the gun control debate Is gun control justified or an infringement of our rights? Is it a social question, a cultural one, or a political debate?
Biz/Tech | #The economy debate Do Unions bring positive change or create more harm than good? Do they combat or contribute to worker exploitation they are meant to fight against?
Living | #smoking #marijuana Should We Legalize Marijuana? Is legalized marijuana a pitfall to be avoided, or the inevitable recognition of a popular American pastimes?
Politics | The Big Debates | #the nuclear debate #WW2 The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: plain evil or a necessary evil? In August 1945, two Japanese cities became synonymous with nuclear destruction and the human aptitude for it.
Living | #the education debate Montessori: An Effective Learning Approach or a Matter of Faith? Is this teaching method a proven one or overhyped?
Living | #africa #volunteering Service Trips Abroad: Harmful or Helpful? Are they more about the communities in need or the volunteers themselves?
Entertainment | Living | #Disney #parenting Disney Animated Films – Are they good for children? Do they encourage acceptance or promote insensitive stereotypes?
Sports | #Olympics Is Hosting the Olympics a privilege or inconvenience? Hosting the Olympic Games can be a burden and/or a benefit for the host city and country.
Living | #parenting Comfortably Numb: The Perspective on epidurals While they provide expectant mothers genuine relief from labor pains, there can be downsides.
Biz/Tech | #traveling Should you fly on traditional or low-cost airlines? All things considered, which is the better option?
Living | #mental health Are Antidepressants a Good Solution? Are they helpful in treating depression or are they capable of causing more harm than good?
Living | #the nutrition debate Is a Hotdog a Sandwich? Weigh in on the debate that got NFL players, chefs and academics all hot and bothered.
Sports | #racing NASCAR or Formula 1 – Which is the prime racing competition? Formula 1 favors global competition and advanced technology; NASCAR is all about personalities and fan accessibility.
Sports | #soccer #MONDIAL 2018 Can Soccer be the next big American sport? Soccer is the most popular sport everywhere but in the US. Will demographic shifts change that?
Living | #the America debate Is America Still Great? Explore top arguments supporting America’s greatness, and top reasons that signal she’s in decline.
Politics | #United Nations The Perspective on the United Nations (UN) The organization is vital international relationships, but it has also experienced many failures over the years.
Living | #the education debate Get a Degree or Get A Life? What Should Follow High School? Does a college education or life experiences offer more valuable, teachable lessons?
Living | #parenting Should Adopted Children Be Involved with Their Birth Families? While open adoption has benefits for all involved, it also carries emotional risks.
Politics | #protest #Black Lives Matter Do Protests work ? Protests can do much to direct attention toward issues, but is attention enough to effect change ?
Entertainment | #film Which is better: Star Wars Vs. Star Trek? Which is the real ruler of the sci-fi universe? A battle of epic proportions.
Living | #the education debate The Perspective on Prom – Antiquated or Timeless? While considered a sacred high school tradition, some find it better left unattended.
Living | #health Is the Body Positive Movement as Positive as it suggests? Does it represent a societal mental shift or just another calculated fad?
Biz/Tech | Living | #Science #NASA Is There Life Outside Earth? Are we alone in this vast, expansive universe?