Living | #the education debate #high school Should We Distribute Condoms in High Schools? Is it the responsibility of a school or of the parents to educate their teens about safe sex?
Living | #the education debate Get a Degree or Get A Life? What Should Follow High School? Does a college education or life experiences offer more valuable, teachable lessons?
Living | #the education debate The Perspective on School Uniforms Do they improve learning or limit self-expression and burden parents' wallets?
Living | The Big Debates | #the education debate Does Conventional or Alternative Schooling Have More Impact? The world is made up of so many different types of people, yet most get educated the same way.
Living | #history #the education debate Should Holocaust Education in Schools Be Mandatory? Are young students mature enough to benefit from the life lessons of the Holocaust?
Biz/Tech | #startups Start Your Startup after School or Get Some Full-Time Experience First? Are there lessons to be gained from the workplace or is taking the entrepreneurial plunge more prudent?
Living | #the education debate Should homework be assigned in elementary school? While it may enhance kids' learning experiences, it can also detract from them.
Living | #the education debate Does Homeschooling advance or hinder education? Is the answer to better education in our own homes?
Living School Choice: Should public funds go toward any education? Does competition produce better schools, or is sending children to unregulated schools a gamble with public monies?
Living | #smoking #marijuana Should We Legalize Marijuana? Is legalized marijuana a pitfall to be avoided, or the inevitable recognition of a popular American pastimes?
Living | #ethics #terrorism Are Humans Inherently Violent? Can we end violence, or will it forever be part of the human experience?
Living | #parenting Should You Travel Overseas with Small Kids? Will they benefit from such an experience or is it a waste of money?
Sports | #soccer #MONDIAL 2018 Can Soccer be the next big American sport? Soccer is the most popular sport everywhere but in the US. Will demographic shifts change that?
Living | #the education debate Is College Worth It? Does higher education still live up to its mission of imparting knowledge and molding the future?
Politics | #protest #Black Lives Matter Do Protests work ? Protests can do much to direct attention toward issues, but is attention enough to effect change ?
Living | #the education debate The Perspective on Prom – Antiquated or Timeless? While considered a sacred high school tradition, some find it better left unattended.
Entertainment | #the education debate #books How great is ‘great literature’ if it needs to be studied to be understood? Does studying The Greats enhance or diminish their impact?
Living | #parenting #health Is it okay to lightly drink with your teenage kid(s)? What is a parent's role in shaping their teenagers' relationship with alcohol?
Living | #parenting ADHD Diagnosis: Too Much or Just Right? ADHD diagnoses have soared in the past decade. Have our children changed or just how we define them?
Living | The Big Debates | #feminism ##metoo The Perspective on Feminism: Is it still relevant today? Considering past achievements and work to be done, does feminism need to change to stay relevant?
Politics | The Big Debates | #the death penalty debate Is the Death Penalty Justified or Should It Be Abolished? Given the moral complexities and depth of emotions involved, the death penalty is an age-old controversial debate.
Biz/Tech | Living | #social media #terrorism Do the benefits of crowd-sleuthing outweigh the risks? Is crime-solving by online communities effective law enforcement?
Living | #the education debate Do Standardized Tests Improve Education? They even the playing field between all students but may limit creative learning and evaluate teachers unfairly.
Living | #The Racism Debate Does reverse racism exist in America? Does it exist, and is it severe enough to be part of the discrimination dialogue?
Living | #The Racism Debate Does reverse racism exist in America? Does it exist, and is it severe enough to be part of the discrimination dialogue?
Sports | The Big Debates | #NBA #basketball Kobe VS LeBron – who is considered better? The court isn't big enough for both them.
Living | The Big Debates | #Millennials The Perspective on Millennials Are millennials the worst generation or the new great one?
Living | The Big Debates | #the education debate Does Homework Help or Hinder Learning? Is it necessary for reinforcing and building academic skills, or does it put needless strain on parents and students?
Biz/Tech | #The economy debate Do Unions bring positive change or create more harm than good? Do they combat or contribute to worker exploitation they are meant to fight against?
Living | #the education debate Montessori: An Effective Learning Approach or a Matter of Faith? Is this teaching method a proven one or overhyped?
Living | #africa #volunteering Service Trips Abroad: Harmful or Helpful? Are they more about the communities in need or the volunteers themselves?
Living | #the America debate Is America Still Great? Explore top arguments supporting America’s greatness, and top reasons that signal she’s in decline.
Living | #Marriage The perspective on divorce Is it the best way to end marital strife or does it just lead to more strain and life dissatisfaction?
Living | #the nutrition debate #The economy debate Are Government Soda Taxes Fair? Will it lower obesity rates or is it an unfair quick fix to avoid developing long-term nutritional options?
Politics | #the America debate Should convicted criminals have the right to vote? Should it be untouchable, or is it a privilege that has potential to be revoked?
Living | #the nutrition debate #health Is Obesity a Disease? One in every three Americans are classified as overweight or obese. Is it in their favor to call obesity a disease?
Living | #the education debate Redshirting: Should Parents Delay Kindergarten for a Year? Extra time at home may give children a developmental advantage, but are there long-term downsides?
Living | #The Racism Debate The Perspective on Affirmative Action Does it protect the disadvantaged or unintentionally promote other forms of discrimination?
Living | #The Royal Family Is the British Monarchy a worthy institution or outdated relic? Is it still relevant today or an unnecessary symbol of times long gone?
Biz/Tech | #social media #tech giants Is Twitter a life-enhancing or life-disabling tool? #cyberbullying #straightforward #grammar #freespeech #Musk
Living | #health #the nutrition debate How Healthy Is Soy? Is it the health food that some suggest or does it have negative side effects for our bodies and the environment?
Living | The Big Debates | #the gun control debate Is gun control justified or an infringement of our rights? Is it a social question, a cultural one, or a political debate?
Sports | #nfl #politics in sports Is the NFL losing its appeal? Can the NFL withstand its political, social and health controversies or are they turning away fans for good?
Living | #the America debate City vs. Suburbs: Where is better to live? Where you choose to live is a major contributor to who you are as a person.
Living | Politics | #The economy debate Social Welfare: Do its advantages outweigh its disadvantages? Does its benefit to society outweigh the fact that it can be taken advantage of?
Biz/Tech | Living | #career #The economy debate Is Working from Home All It’s Cracked Up To Be? Is it really all it’s cracked up to be? Let’s explore some of the advantages and drawbacks of working from home.
Biz/Tech | Living | #The economy debate Is Home Ownership Still Worthwhile? is homeownership all it’s cracked up to be? Let’s look at 3 disadvantages and advantages of buying a house
Sports | #Arsenal #soccer The Perspective on Arsène Wenger Will Arsenal miss their manager's unique style or will they be better off without him?
Biz/Tech | Living | #The economy debate Should we Raise the Minimum Wage? Will it increase financial security or cost jobs ? Is it good or bad for the country as a whole?